Branta Birding Lodge & Conservation Centre

B&B Accommodation in Durankulak (Bulgaria) – birth place of Bed & Birding concept


Rare sighting from Durankulak

  • December
  • 9

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Today, December the 9th 2012, during a traditional field survey around Durankulak Lake on a very stormy and cloudy day I observed and photographed 7 Snow Buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) at 09:15 AM foraging on the Black Sea shore (less than 2 kilometers East from the Branta Birding Lodge as the crow flies). Photo by Pavel […]

Teddy’s Fatal End

  • July
  • 13

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Sadly we just learned from the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources that Teddy was shot by a Russian hunter on 15 May 2012, in North-Kazakhstan Region, just near the Russia-Kazakhstan border, 180 km South-West of the City of Omsk . For more information:

First Successful Deployment of Satellite Transmitters on Red-breasted Geese

  • February
  • 20

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Bulgarian field team (Le Balkan Foundation and Branta-Tours) captured a young Red-breasted Goose near Shabla (North-East Bulgaria) and fitted it successfully, for the first time, with a harness and 22 g Argos/GPS satellite transmitter to follow its movements on the wintering grounds and migration north to nesting grounds. At 7:25 am on February 12, 2012, […]

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