Branta Birding Lodge & Conservation Centre

B&B Accommodation in Durankulak (Bulgaria) – birth place of Bed & Birding concept

Rare autumn visitor reported from Durankulak

  • November
  • 15

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On October 18, 2015 during a routine birding survey around Lake Durankulak I had fabulous views of an adult Pallas’s Leaf Warbler (Phylloscopus proregulus), feeding low in the trees at the western part of Durankulak Lake (some 300 meters from Branta Birding Lodge). The observation was accepted by the Bulgarian National Rarities Committee (BUNARCO). To […]

Rare sighting from Durankulak

  • December
  • 9

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Today, December the 9th 2012, during a traditional field survey around Durankulak Lake on a very stormy and cloudy day I observed and photographed 7 Snow Buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) at 09:15 AM foraging on the Black Sea shore (less than 2 kilometers East from the Branta Birding Lodge as the crow flies). Photo by Pavel […]

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